CA Youth Vs Big Oil
What is CA Youth Vs Big Oil?
CA Youth Vs Big Oil (CAYBO) is a coalition across the state of California of youth demanding that Governor Newsom STOPS approving new oil & gas permits, DROPS all existing production through a just transition, and ROLLS out 3200ft health and safety zones. California is already experiencing the horrors of the climate crisis, but while leaders like Governor Newsom call themselves climate champions, they are acting in the interest of the fossil fuel industry, and neglecting our most vulnerable communities. Newsom has increased fossil fuel activity in frontline communities and continues to pass countless fracking permits. With 92% of communities living around fossil fuel production sites being communities of color, most of whom are also working class, this is an issue of environmental racism and classism.
Get Involved!
Get Involved!
YVA engages in this campaign through the coalition which meets every Tuesday at 6 PM zoom. Are you interested? Email